At the end of 2023 Partner Housing invited long time volunteer and board director to become a Partner Housing Life Member, in recognition of his years of service and continuing commitment to helping others. Ian shared his gratitude for being able to be involved with Partner Housing over the years.
''It is indeed my very great pleasure to accept this honour, thank you. I totally enjoy and appreciate the honour of working as a volunteer with PHA and Vision for Homes (VfH) in Papua New Guinea (PNG). I also totally enjoy the challenges of working in remote areas of PNG and seeing first hand the joy in peoples faces when we at PHA assist Kelly and his VfH team to undertake a new building project.
Many years ago I lived for an extended period of time in a remote village in Vanuatu undertaking exactly the same work as PHA and VfH now undertake in PNG. I think that first experience shaped my life and gave me the desire to continue similar works. Living in a first world country such as we do, I feel it is incumbent on us to assist developing nations as much as we can to improve their quality of housing, schools and community health buildings and the like. I am grateful for the opportunity to do this through PHA.''
Partner Housing is grateful for the work of its volunteers such as Ian, without whom we could not achieve the impacts in these remote communities across Australia's neighbours.